Join us as we explore through writing who God is, who He has called us to be, and how we can respond.
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In the midst of our suffering, we can feel alone, hopeless, and unable to go on. We -- like Jesus -- may cry out, "Take this cup, God!"
In the midst of his suffering, Jesus shows how to keep going even when the cup remains.
Perhaps you believe you aren't creative. However, if we were "created in God's image", and God is a creator, what does that mean for us?
Perhaps God has created us to create in a unique way.
For many, the expectation of "the great commission" can be intimidating and overwhelming. How are we supposed to share? What if we don't feel equipped?
What if fulfilling Jesus's grand invitation is simpler than we think?
“Evangelism” can be an intimidating word, causing us to feel unequipped, unmotivated, or unfaithful if we’re not accomplishing the actions and outcomes it evokes.
What if there is a scenario in which evangelism could happen, and you were simply going along for the ride?
I was talking to a group of high schoolers recently about superheroes, and they had some interesting ideas of how to defeat an evil villain.
It revealed a lot about how we understand the world.
Jesus invites us to give it all up... not just bad stuff, but even our ways of loving God and loving others.
Sometimes, we don't want to let go.
Often when we are frustrated with God, it's because we feel He's promised something and not delivered on it
What if God isn't the one missing it?
I know: it's a controversial title, but hear me out.
What if our understanding of love keeps us from understanding how good it is?
The Pharisees knew the Law. They sought to uphold the Law.
Yet in their pursuits they ended up dishonoring the one they sought to honor, and killed the purest expression of the Law. What if we are capable of doing the same?
1 Corinthians 7 contains what seems to be a blatant contradiction in back-to-back paragraphs.
However, Paul is actually confronting the impact of our understanding of identity and expectation on our capacity to accept a relationship with our Creator.
I've watched the movie I, Robot multiple times, and was thinking this morning of how their purpose and function was dictated by three laws, which not only shaped their identity, but protected the world from their worst embodiment.
It hit me that we -- created beings -- have also been given laws to shape us; it's not surprising that our rejection of those laws has led to such destruction.
We may be genuinely seeking God, walking where He is leading, and then stop short, because, like the spies who explored the Promised Land, we are aware of the dangers -- of the strongholds, of the armies, and of the giants.
Though there be giants in the land, we have always been our own greatest threat.
This image looks beautiful, like something worth pursuing; the reality is it's not what it seems.
Sometimes there are things in our lives that look right, but may be something far different than we thought. What do we do when we learn the truth? How does forgiveness come into play?
There are a lot of Christians going to war right now. There is a perceived threat against God, and so they are ready to fight.
What if the enemy we are perceiving, and the ways we wage war, miss the mark?
We spend our lives trying to piece together the puzzles of our lives -- our purpose, the meaning of life, God -- and often feel like we're just grasping pieces.
What if we can learn something from kids puzzles that could help us grasp the God of the universe?
Churches around the world started off the year with a "2020 Vision" series; what we ended up seeing in 2020 was not what any of us expected.
What if God answered our prayers, and we are not seeing what we wanted to see, but what we need to see? How will we respond?
Three groups converged to condemn an innocent man, and most believed they were justified or not culpable.
While we say we would have never chosen Barabbas over Jesus, the brokenness that existed in these groups exists in us today. There is something we can do about it.
I was reading some quotes from a guy whose country was in conflict; I was intrigued by his approach to inspiring change, even though he was written off as a failure.
There's something important we can learn from his story, especially in our present struggles.
As a parent, life can get so messy that I'm not sure how to grow myself spiritually, much less lead my family to do the same. It would be so much easier if everything went "to plan."
Perhaps God wants to do something in the mess, that is abundantly more than "to plan" could ever bring.
Paul kicks off 1 Timothy warning his spiritual son how easy it can be for a well-intentioned believer to stumble into vain discussions and destructive engagement.
In this divisive time, the risk for us doing the same is great. There is a way, though, to avoid this...
God may want to use your "chains" to accomplish far more than you ever could on your own.
That's what happened for the Apostle Paul and his chains; as he puts it, "Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel."
How do we seek first when we feel attacked on multiple fronts?
In the course of one worship service, God walked me through how He is not only present in those spaces, but He has provided community for that very purpose.
During a session with Sunodia, we talked about burdens, she asked me to visualize a burden.
I imagined the burden as thick, humid, oppressive air that made it hard to breath. She asked me to ask God what it could look like to remove the burden.
My first thought was that I needed to open the windows to get the bad air out. I immediately laughed. I couldn’t say it; instead, God emphasized these words: “Let the fresh air in.”
It’s becoming clearer the moments when I’m living for God, and those when I’m simply living.
The latter is easy to slip into. Like a kid distracted by the waves of the beach, the current quietly pulls me further and further along the shore until I find myself alone and lost. Maybe I had my guard up for the rip current, but not for the every-day-calm-waves discretely leading me from my Father.
We have a high level of confidence in how we perceive the world around us. What if God wants us to see His creation through His eyes? More...
When we experience something, is it possible that we are only seeing and hearing part of the story, and missing a work of God? More...
Do we see the image-bearers that God is raising up around us for Kingdom-impact? More...
Is it possible to believe we are genuinely seeking God, and yet be causing harm to others? More...
Martha was well-intentioned, and yet her efforts led her to actually dishonor her guest, the Christ; is it possible our efforts could do the same? More...
In 2017, a drive-by shooting occurred across the street as our kids were playing outside. This wouldn't be the last time.
This experience, however, would lead to a vital shift in our understanding of what it means to "love your neighbor." More...
At the start of 2019, a team from YWAM Richmond sensed God calling them to start their new location in Virginia Beach, half a year later than they had originally hoped.
What they didn't know was that God had a powerful reason for that timing. More...
Planning isn't bad. But when our plans change, are we willing to trust the Spirit? More...
What can God do when we are willing to open our homes and lives to our neighbors? More...
How can a loving God allow us to struggle? More...
When someone asks us to share a story of God at work, will we remember those moments? More...
"In my new role, I see a lot of rubble. I look at my responsibilities, and at times it seems like an insurmountable mass. You know what? It probably is. A lot of ministry work is impossible…save for God." More...
God is inviting us into an incredible story... but who do we think the story is about? More...
"If I told you this step — God saying to forego salary and trust Him to provide — wasn’t frightening, I’d be lying." More...
"I don’t know what kind of seeds God planted, but I was willing to trust whatever He threw at me. I look forward to seeing what grows, what spreads, no matter how long it takes." More...
As we say goodbye to a home we've loved, we reflect on just how creative and powerful God was over the course of those 12 years. More...
How do we live out the mandate in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 when there is so much grief and brokenness around us? More...
When Jesus calls you to "die to yourself", He is not trying to harm you. He's trying to break you from temporal thinking and show you the only way to life to the fullest. More...
We deeply desire to understand God and what He is doing. We want that understanding fully, and we want it now. Often, we won't trust until we have it, we won't move forward, we won't allow joy. More...
When the Disciples faced life-threatening storms, Jesus could have said, “hey, heads up: there will be a storm, but we will be okay.” He didn’t. He didn’t give them any heads up, any reassurance. In fact, one time he went and took a nap. More...