Help this book get professionally published!

"Something in the Froth", a coffee table book that is not only fun but inspiring, was accepted by a Publishing company and all that stands in the way of bookshelves around the world is the author commitment.  With your help, we can reach the goal before the spring!

Because of generous donations, we are 75% there!

Your tax-deductible, year-end gift can get us over the finish line!  Will you prayerfully consider joining this adventure?

Click to hear how a generous gift opened the door to a future in writing!

Why is this worth supporting?

I've self-published many books, so why take on the financial lift of professional publishing?
  • God is up to something: There have been so many God moments I am stepping in obedience no matter the outcome, even though I've itched to just get it out there for months!
  • This could be God's creative provision: Book sales could be how God wants to provide for our family in this season, and professional publishing brings credibility, resources, and global reach
  • This is just the beginning: I know writing is one way God is inviting me to love and serve others, and this opens the door to many more books.  In fact, the image above is a sneak peek at volume two!  This could also open opportunities for the "Tori the Tornado" books my family plans to write!
  • This is an incredibly fun coffee table book: These pictures evoke so much fun and joy, and I'd love for you and your friends to be uplifted by them!
  • God is growing me: I'd prefer to be in the background, and God keeps inviting me out front.  Extending a big invitation to support has not been easy for me due to long-standing wrestling with rejection, but God has said to stand.  So here I am, just a guy, standing in front of his friends, asking them to support him.

How will the funds be used?

Our primary goal is $6000, without which we cannot move forward with the book contract.  If we hit that, our next goal is an additional $1100 to cover other major expenses.
  • $6000: Author commitment; allows book printing to begin
  • $600: Administrative fees of processing donations
  • $500: Professional editing and finalizing of manuscript
  • Additional donations: Purchase bulk books to sell in person, give books to coffee shops, marketing, etc.

Keep up to date on other ways I'm serving.

Grangers serving Richmond