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Books are priced low to keep them accessible, and if cost is an issue I am happy to provide the PDF at no cost.  These are not about income-generation, but spiritual-growth generation!  That said, if you would like to contribute towards future books, you can do so here!

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
Habakkuk 2:14

Christians talk about the spread of the Gospel, but we may be underestimating how powerfully God intends to make Himself known; the knowledge of Him will fill the earth like a flood!

Did you catch what word Habakkuk used? Will. It is not a question of if God will be made known; it will happen. However, we tend to wonder when and how it will happen, and more to the point, what our role is in its spread!

In this 5-day devotional, we will explore God's plans for making Himself known, and the invitation He is giving for us to be a part of it. Even more, we will discover that He wants to work through us, even if we feel ill-equipped and unworthy, because it is not a matter of our capacity, but His!

This devotional was created to shepherd Summer Mission Teams for YWAM Virginia.

How do we love beyond our senses?

Have you ever struggled to show love because of the way someone looked? Grown impatient with someone who was loud? Pulled away when someone had an odor? Avoided touching or eating with someone because of their circumstances?

Consciously or not, we frequently withhold love from others when our senses are offended.

Meanwhile, Jesus had all five senses and poured out love to all he encountered. He saw the filthy, naked man living amidst graves, heard Bartimaeus's disruptive cries, smelled the death stench of Lazarus's tomb, felt the open wounds of the man with leprosy, and sat at the tables of those others rejected; in each moment, he loved deeply, despite the barriers.

He did not do this to be nice, but because he was created and called to embody love... and so are we. After washing the stinky feet of the disciples, he said, "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."

Let’s be honest: while we may say "God is Provider" on Sunday, we tend to live the rest of the week like He isn’t.

We don’t want to admit it, but too often we believe the lie that “God won’t provide.” Instead of faith, we are guided by financial fear, take matters into our own hands, or develop an unhealthy pursuit of wealth. Yet if Scripture is true, we have to acknowledge this foundational reality:

We don’t need money; we need God.

In this book we wrestle with what it means for “God to be Provider”, why we struggle to accept a reality that is actually good news, and what we can do to begin to trust Him. This will not be a step-by-step guide, but instead will challenge your perspectives and equip you to discern simple steps forward towards “seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,” even when you don’t know how the bills will get paid.

I have had enough, LORD. Take my life.
1 Kings 19:4

These are not the words of a weak man, but of the great prophet Elijah, who after faithfully serving God and seeing Him work, found himself utterly depleted and hopeless.

This short book takes us through the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 17-19, where the ups and downs of his difficult invitations from God can help us discern how we can keep going when we have nothing left to give.

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven."
Matthew 5:43-45

If Jesus calls us to pray for our enemies, why do so few prayer books include prayers for our enemies?  This book provides 5 simple (albeit not easy) prayers you can pray for your enemy, as a simple first step towards Jesus's hard call to "love your enemies"; what you will find is not a set of prayers to master, but an opportunity to follow Christ's lead and partner with the Spirit in something that seems impossible to us, but is actually "exceedingly more than we could ask or imagine.

This will not be your normal Revelation study: this will not dive into the historical representations of the imagery, or expertly decipher the prophecies. The goal of this is not to tell you what Revelation means; it is to explore what it could mean for you.

This is designed to be a safe and accessible way to journey through the intimidating book of Revelation in 30 days.

"A Journey through Spiritual Gifts" is a 5-day devotional exploring “spiritual gifts.” 

You know the feeling: you see someone with an impressive gift (trick shots, an inspiring speech, musical skills), and think, “I wish I had a gift like that.” What if you discovered God has given you a gift even more impressive? If you’re willing to look and listen for God, we believe you’ll find He’s placed something incredible within you. As Jesus put it in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

"A Journey through 1 John" is a 5-day devotional exploring the Love and the Spirit.

As one of the shorter books of the Bible, in a short time you'll uncover amazing truths; if you’re willing to look and listen for God, we believe you’ll find Him in some way this week. As Jesus put it in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

"A Journey through 1 Peter 2" is a 5-day exploration through just the first 12 verses of 1 Peter 2.

If that seems too short for a 5 day study, you’ll be surprised how much God can do with very little. If you’re willing to look and listen for God, we believe you’ll find Him in some way this week. As Jesus put it in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”


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God is up to some amazing things, and we would love for you to join us as we share all that He is doing!

Grangers serving Richmond